05 August 2008

Compaints and Condolences

Now I am still here in the office. It is like, 7.30pm now?
Miss Monica is still struggling with her work. I am so sick of work now-la.
Too many unfinished tasks, too many complaints here and there, too many gossips, too many comparison. Just too much to handle.
Arghhh..what company have I joined?
Yeah, it sound so nice, Germany company. But it is too dark here. Too many "ghosts" here that I dunno who to trust.
It is really the "The Art of Survival" here.
U BOOM me, I BOOM u through email.
Nobody helps out anyone in this company. It is just the pushing of task, like playing TaiChi going on here.
I wanna leave this company soon. I am going to leave this company soon, of course, not so fast.
At least after one year (to look better on my resume), or after next year CNY (if let say i can stand it).
If, I am not getting my bonus for next year, I am confirming my leaving.
"CONFIRM IS THE WORD" quoted Ah Sng.

Hope life is going to be better for the future. Hope I can acheive at least, some lil lil lil acheivement that I dunno what I want also, in the next 3 years. Something that I feel satisfied of in my life.
To Miss Lai, I hope for the better for u too.
Just study your ass off for next few years.
Sun rise and goes down everyday without fail. No matter what happens, things still have to go on. It is just people, and how they handle their good and bad memories.
Don't worry, sad things will be left behind, but sweet memories stays forever.
Just begin everyday with a new hope, okay?
My condolences to your Great Grandpa.

1 comment:

eLsiE said...

hey gurl..!!!miss u!!!